Our set solutions enable efficient and safe use on the wards and in the operating theatre. The various combinations of individual components in high quality packaging allow our customers the time saving and safe use of our products. The objective of our range is the economic application of the different individual components under the constant premise of high quality patient care. Of course, there are set solutions both as ready made standard sets as well as custom made individual sets.
Individual set solutions
The contents of each set are compiled individually according to the requirements of our customers. Together with our customers, our trained and competent sales staff develop individual solutions for the highest demands and special interventions. We also offer our customers solutions for minimum requirements. Our entire product portfolio of dressings, covers, protective clothing and other materials are the basis for this. Of course, all our sets for the surgical area are equipped with double, self adhesive counting cards for safe documentation in the patient record. By using our sets, material usage, preparation time, waste volume and logistics costs are reduced. In addition, you ensure that all components are available for use in the optimum number. Another advantage is the exact assignment to the patient and intervention of the materials used. The use of set solutions leads to a significant optimisation of the process costs and a high level of customer profitability.
Standardised set solutions
Based on our many years of experience in the development of customised set solutions for our customers, we have been able to develop various standard sets for various procedures both in the operating theatre and on the ward. Sets especially adapted to the needs of the various operations facilitate the preparation and implementation of standard interventions and processes for our customers. The use of set solutions leads to a significant optimisation of the process costs and a high level of customer profitability.